Introduction to Electric Drive
Introduction to Electric Drive
Download Presentation :
- Electrical drives & Mechanical drives.
- ConceptofElectricaldrives.
- Basic features of industrial drives.
- Reviewofoperatingandstartingcharacteristicsofdifferenttypesofelectric motors for various drives (AC and DC motors).
- Estimationofratingandheatingofmotors.
- Load equalization (Fly wheel effect).
- Drivesforparticularservices.
Electric Drive: Machine equipment design to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
• Wide range of T, N, P & flexible starting operating characteristics. • High Efficiency.
• Can operate in all the four quad. of speed torque.
• Continuous supply required.
• Power backup required.
- DCSeriesMotor,ShuntMotor,CumulativeCompoundMotor
- ThreephaseSynchronousMotor
- SquirrelCageInductionMotor,DoubleSquirrelCageMotor,SlipringInduction Motor
- SinglephaseSynchronousMotor
- Single/ThreephaseSeriesMotor,Single/ThreephaseInductionMotor
- RepulsionMotor
- CapacitorstartInductionrunMotor,CapacitorstartandrunMotor
- SchrageMotor